Anthony Albanese pokes fun at a former ministerial colleague and makes a risque Dolly Parton joke on Spicks And Specks, leaving ABC viewers divided
Daily MailPrime Minister Anthony Albanese has shown off his music chops on ABC game show Spicks and Specks, where he imitated Peter Garrett and made a risque joke about Dolly Parton's famous anatomy. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese featured on ABC music trivia game show Spicks and Specks Mr Albanese revealed he was transport minister at the time when Parton, who hates flying, brought her tour buses with her even though they were too wide for Australian vehicle standards. At one stage Mr Albanese did an impression of Peter Garrett's conversation style that also mimicked the Midnight Oil singer's signature jerky dance style The Prime Minister poked fun of his former colleague Peter Garrett's jerky dance moves He also declined to repeat Warhurst's catchphrase to start proceedings: 'game on moles'. 'The sight of guest gushing away is enough to return to #TheBlock' Mr Albanese and Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett were ministerial colleagues during the Rudd and Gillard Labor governments Another tweeted: 'As if the rehashing of Spicks & Specks wasn't cringeworthy enough already, it's now the transparent trojan horse for some Albo good-guy marketing.
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