Bajrang Dal activists tonsure man accused of converting Hindus into Christianity
Deccan ChronicleJalaun: A man was tonsured, garlanded with shoes, and paraded in disgrace on the streets of Jalaun in Uttar Pradesh by Bajrang Dal activists who accused him of converting Hindu men to Christianity. The Bajrang Dal activists tonsured the man for allegedly converting Hindus and paraded him through the town after shaving his hair, eyebrows and moustache. The mob reportedly accused Awdhesh Savita of luring Hindus on the pretext of attending a satsang and allegedly converted them to Christianity. Jalaun : Bajrang Dal shaves man's head, parade him on donkey for allegedly converting 3 Hindus to Christianity pic.twitter.com/JQdqyGiMLw — ANI January 30, 2016 The Bajrang Dal activists also allegedly claimed that the victim forced Hindus to consume beef against their will.
History of this topic

Muslim man who wanted to marry a Hindu thrashed by right-wing members in Bhopal court
The Hindu
Haryana: Bajrang Dal, VHP disrupt Christian 'prayer meet' in Ambala, Haryana, allege deceitful conversion of scheduled caste Hindus
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Dalit man beaten, paraded by Bajrang Dal workers for 'attempting religious conversion’ in UP's Fatehpur
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Odisha: 3 Tied To Tree, Thrashed By Mob On Suspicion Of Religious Conversion Of Tribals
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Azamgarh Police arrests one for luring Hindus and converting them to Christianity
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UP: Hindu family lured with Rs 3 lakhs to convert to Christianity
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Gujarat: Muslim bouncers hired for Garba event in Surat face protest as Bajrang Dal activists intervene and get them to leave, watch visuals
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Indian Hindu tailor BEHEADED for his online backing of politician's remarks about Prophet Mohammed
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Karnataka: Five Bajrang Dal activists held for attacking Muslim trader for selling halal meat
Bajrang Dal activists held for attacking Muslim meat sellers in Karnataka
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MP: Days after being pulled off train at Ujjain railway station, Muslim man held for 'conversion' attempt
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Islamists resort to unwarranted scaremongering over peaceful Bajrang Dal rally in Haryana's Mewat
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UP: Three arrested for assaulting man over forced 'conversion' in Kanpur
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Gandhinagar: Bajrang Dal, VHP members spray cow urine on garba dancers to keep Muslims at bay
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The Hindu
UP: Man tonsured, paraded on donkey for converting Hindus to Christianity
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