GOP Rep. Mace Says COVID-19 Relief Plan Is A Spending Spree
NPRGOP Rep. Mace Says COVID-19 Relief Plan Is A Spending Spree As the House moves closer to voting on the Biden administration's relief bill, GOP Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina talks to NPR's Rachel Martin about objections to the $1.9 trillion price tag. Even in this package still today, we have - you know, I don't think if you're making $75,000 a year and you haven't had wages go down because of COVID-19 that you don't - you shouldn't be supplemented by the federal government. But again, that's another reason why parents should have the option of sending their kids to school, whether that's two days a week, five days a week, in the middle of the pandemic so they can get back to work, earn a wage, not have to rely on unemployment or any type of semi-universal basic income. But there are ways - if we're talking about a COVID relief package, then it should be targeted to those people who lost their jobs, who lost income, lost wages due to COVID-19 and not be sent to every person in this country.