Trump Delivers Remarks To Joint Session Of Congress: Live Updates
2 weeks, 4 days ago

Trump Delivers Remarks To Joint Session Of Congress: Live Updates

Huff Post  

The White House issued a press release in defense of one of Trump’s more eyebrow-raising remarks during last night’s speech: that the federal government had spent $8 million on “making mice transgender.” “This is real,” Trump said without further explanation. The fifth sought to better understand female sex hormones and reproductive function in transgender men, and the sixth sought to better understand asthma in all people, including trans folks. So no, the researchers were not “making mice transgender” for the fun of it, but to help build knowledge about human beings. The White House trashed “the Fake News losers at CNN” for a mistaken attempt to fact-check Trump’s claim last night, as the network speculated that he was referring to a study involving hormone therapy on monkeys.

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