Ambassador Sondland To Appear Before House Intelligence Committee
NPRAmbassador Sondland To Appear Before House Intelligence Committee NPR's David Greene talks to Democratic Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut about Tuesday's deposition of Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the EU, about his part in the Trump-Ukraine investigation. HIMES: I will not be at the deposition today, but I am likely to be at the deposition, which we will take on Friday, of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, of course, the ambassador who was, it appears, may have been dismissed from her position because she didn't adequately support the president's ideas and plans in Ukraine. And then a five-hour period goes by and then and only then does Sondland, who is not a professional civil servant - Sondland, of course, was a supporter of the president and a donor of the president - comes back and says there is no explicit quid pro quo here. GREENE: Democratic Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut is a member of the House Intelligence Committee.