Gold Coast sailor Xavier Doerr to attempt world record solo circumnavigation of Australia
ABCGold Coast mariner Xavier Doerr is planning to smash the world record for a solo and non-stop circumnavigation of Australia when he sets sail at the end of the month. Key points: Xavier Doerr wants to break the record for the fastest solo and non-stop circumnavigation of Australia Yachtswoman Lisa Blair set the record of 58 days in December 2018 The 21-year-old is planning to depart the Gold Coast on May 29 The 21-year-old has been sailing since the age of 12 and has invested $140,000 in his attempt to break a Guinness World Record. The record for the fastest solo and non-stop circumnavigation of Australia in a monohull is 58 days, which was set by Sydney-based yachtswoman Lisa Blair in December 2018. Find more local news Browse for your location and find more local ABC News and information Pink the colour of solo sailors The 21-foot yacht is bright pink, the colour used by many solo sailors including Jessica Watson who captured international attention as a 16-year-old when she became the youngest person to sail solo, non-stop around the world in 2010.