Wine boss John Casella says Murray Darling Basin water allocations should favour crops that serve communities before profits
ABCReform of Australia's $1.8 billion Murray Darling Basin water market must recognise the multiplier effect of commodities, not just their returns to growers and investors, according to one of Australia's biggest wine producers. "When you look at what one megalitre brings back to regional communities in grapes, it's much more than what it does in other crops," Mr Casella said. Basin water markets The call came before the election was announced, with the Morrison government considering recommendations from an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Inquiry last year into the Basin's water markets. Regional water distribution Mr Casella said he was concerned about the rising cost of high security water for permanent plantings such as wine grapes, and the government should consider capping water allocations for crops that did not return as much value to regional communities.