So you think you know everything about Pakistan?
Hindustan TimesPakistan: A Hard Country Anatol Lieven Allen Lane Rs599 n pp 576 HT Image Even before the country’s creation in 1947, some were predicting the collapse and breakup of Pakistan. In the words of the writer Nadeem F Paracha: “What was once the lunatic fringe has now become the country’s new mainstream.” When Lieven visited Broomfield Hall, “the school of the local elite” in Multan in 2009, he found conspiracy theories were the stuff of life. In the view of almost all the students, “It has been proved that the Jews were responsible for 9/11; that a Jewish conspiracy exists to dominate the world; that the US has occupied Afghanistan in order to invade Pakistan, Iran and Central Asia, and so on.” Pakistan is today engaged in a psychological civil war. As the newspaper Dawn revealed recently, US drone attacks have killed less than 2,000 people — many of them militants — while attacks by Islamist terrorists inside Pakistan have killed an estimated 34,000 citizens since 2004.
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