Exoplanet neighbour smaller than Earth discovered
FirstpostU.S. astrophysicists have detected what could be the first exoplanet, only two-thirds the size of Earth but without an atmosphere, located right around the corner, cosmically speaking, at a mere 33 light-years away. Stevenson and his colleagues were studying a hot-Neptune exoplanet, designated GJ 436b, already known to exist around the red-dwarf star GJ 436, when data yielded clues that led them to suspect there could be at least one new planet in that system, perhaps two. So he, UCF planetary sciences professor Joseph Harrington and UCF graduate student Nate Lust began looking at the data. This transit technique, used by a number of telescopes, including NASA’s Kepler space telescope, relies on these tiny, partial eclipses to find exoplanet candidates.
History of this topic

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