David Littleproud claims Australia has the most secure food security in the world. Is he correct?
ABCThe claim With Australians bunkering down amid the COVID-19 pandemic, panic buying and hoarding of everyday groceries led to severe shortages of some products. The Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud, went so far as to declare that Australia " the most secure food security in the world". That may cause "inconvenience" to some consumers, but ABARES said it would not jeopardise the nation's overall food security. "There may be disruptions to some industries, but the sheer volume of Australia's food production relative to the needs of the domestic population mean domestic food supplies will not fall short," the researchers concluded. The Ricegrowers' Association of Australia, which lobbies on behalf of domestic producers, criticised the ABARES food security report as "misleading" in terms of the rice sector.