Importers, exporters, farmers look for new way, funding to keep pests and disease like foot-and-mouth out
2 years, 5 months ago

Importers, exporters, farmers look for new way, funding to keep pests and disease like foot-and-mouth out


Fruit is rotting at Australian ports as staff and funding shortfalls delay the import of produce and risk the destruction of crucial trade relationships, importers say. Key points: Importers say they're losing money and reputation waiting for quarantine inspections Australia's Agriculture Minister says clearance times can be better Farmers are calling for major change to funding to keep disease and pests out Further falls in supply also risk consumers having to pay more for fruit and vegetables. "It's certainly a situation that we're now going to face reputational damage with our trading partners," Mr Saina said. "Our estimations are that the government's commitment to biosecurity levels, funding and resource allocation has flat-lined," Mr Mahar said. "I think that everyone recognises that our biosecurity system hasn't kept pace with the risk level that we now face as a country and that is going to require extra funding," he said.

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