‘L.A. in a Minute’ was on hold for 2 minutes with 911, not an hour. ‘I want to make that clear, they answered’
2 weeks, 5 days ago

‘L.A. in a Minute’ was on hold for 2 minutes with 911, not an hour. ‘I want to make that clear, they answered’

LA Times  

A few minutes can make a difference in a story. “I want to make that clear, they answered,” Lovett said in the follow-up video. “It was 58 minutes at that point from the time that they picked up, which, in retrospect, with that chaos, with that stress, is a reasonable time for a not imminently dangerous situation,” Lovett said. “When it shows up at your front door, and I have a platform that reaches important people and decision-making people, I’m like, I gotta say something,” Lovett said. Let’s work on doing it in a positive, uplifting way.” Since the burglary, he said, several local officials including his City Council representative, Nithya Raman, had reached out to him.

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