‘We Are Not Lawmakers, Can’t Issue Such Directions’: Delhi High Court On PIL To Conduct Lok Sabha, Legislative Assembly Polls Together In 2024
Live LawThe Delhi High Court on Monday refused to pass directions on a public interest litigation praying that Centre and Election Commission of India be directed to ascertain the feasibility of conducting elections to Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly together in 2024.“We cannot do it. The Delhi High Court on Monday refused to pass directions on a public interest litigation praying that Centre and Election Commission of India be directed to ascertain the feasibility of conducting elections to Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly together in 2024. The plea filed by BJP leader Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay, who is also an advocate, also sought a direction on Central Government and Election Commission of India to ascertain the feasibility of conducting elections on holidays, including Saturdays and Sundays, in order to save “valuable time of schools, colleges, universities, service industries and manufacturing organizations.” Refusing to entertain the prayer, the court said that it is the domain of ECI, being the constitutional body, to decide the schedule of elections. The plea submitted that imposition of Model Code of Conduct delays implementation of central and state government projects and welfare schemes and “takes away time and effort from governance issues.” “As elections have become a big budget affair and expensive, the Law Commission of India in its 170th Report on Reform of Electoral Laws has suggested simultaneous elections to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies for the sake of stability in governance.