Decades on from the Tasman Bridge disaster, the memory of the tragedy still haunts the state
6 years, 2 months ago

Decades on from the Tasman Bridge disaster, the memory of the tragedy still haunts the state


It's 44 years today since the Tasman Bridge disaster, but the memory of the traumatic event still lingers in the minds of many Tasmanians, who say they're fearful or anxious when crossing the bridge. "When the bridge came down, Hobart became a tale of two cities — eastern shore dwellers had to rethink their transport routes," he said. "We approached the bridge and the lights went out and over the crest I could see a bright set of tail lights and then I spotted the white line missing," Mr Manley said. "Because I know the Tasman Bridge broke — it's real, it happened and it could happen again," she said.

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