China’s Defence Spending Hides More Than It Reveals; Outstrips Combined Expenses of India, Japan
News 18The People’s Republic of China’s annual National People’s Congress ended last week. The People’s Liberation Army’s defence spending has increased by at least 6.6 per cent every year since the past three decades, and its defence expenditure has increased nearly six-fold in the past two decades. However, China is not the only country to hide its defence expenditure, as India too doesn’t reveal several components like its defence spending on space, cyber and nuclear programmes. Comparing China’s Defence Expenditure The US DOD report projects a slowdown in China’s economic growth in the next 10 years, thus reducing its capabilities to spend on defence and national security needs. However, China’s defence expenditure is around 3.5 times less than the US annual military budget, thus making the US an important extra-regional actor in the Indo-Pacific region for balancing China’s rise.