‘Well, who are we?’ Ancient bones, genes help pinpoint when humans and Neanderthals mixed and mingled
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3 months, 2 weeks ago

‘Well, who are we?’ Ancient bones, genes help pinpoint when humans and Neanderthals mixed and mingled

LA Times  

This fragment of a skull of an ancient woman dubbed Zlaty kun, found in the Czech Republic, helped researchers pinpoint when humans and Neanderthals mated. Neanderthals and humans probably mixed and mingled during a narrow time frame 45,000 years ago, scientists reported Thursday. They found Neanderthal genes related to immunity and metabolism that may have helped early humans survive and thrive outside of Africa. Future genetic studies can help scientists untangle exactly what — and who — we’re made of, said Rick Potts, director of the Smithsonian’s Human Origins program, who was not involved with the new research.

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