每日一词|全民健身 extensive fitness-for-all activities
China Daily2023年全国体育场地设施快速增加,人均体育场地面积达到2.89平方米;健身步道达到37.1万公里,比2019年增长了107%。国家体育总局称,今年将继续深入实施全民健身国家战略,不断丰富群众身边的体育赛事活动和全民健身场地设施服务与供给。 The number of sports facilities across the country increased rapidly in 2023, with the per capita area of sports venues reaching 2.89 square meters. China will further promote extensive fitness-for-all activities this year, pledging continuous efforts to expand the supply of sports events, fitness venues, and facilities in local communities, according to the General Administration of Sport of China. We have strengthened national fitness campaigns through the promotion and popularization of ice and snow sports, helped to lift people out of poverty through development of industries, and improved people's lives by providing better public services. ——2022年4月8日,习近平在北京冬奥会、冬残奥会总结表彰大会上的重要讲话 我们要坚持以增强人民体质、提高全民族身体素质和生活质量为目标,高度重视并充分发挥体育在促进人的全面发展中的重要作用,继续推进体育改革创新,加强体育科技研发,完善全民健身体系,增强广大人民群众特别是青少年体育健身意识,增强我国竞技体育的综合实力和国际竞争力,加快建设体育强国步伐。 We must aim at building up people's physique, improving their physical health and raising their living standards, and fully leverage the important role of sports in advancing people's well-rounded development. ——2022年4月8日,习近平在北京冬奥会、冬残奥会总结表彰大会上的重要讲话 【相关词汇】 体育强国 a country strong on sports 全民健身公共服务体系 public service system for sports and fitness 中国日报网英语点津工作室(本文于“学习强国”学习平台首发) 【责任编辑:陈丹妮】