Locked and loaded! James Webb Telescope locks on star for guidance in space
India TodayDays after it began aligning the mirrors, the James Webb Telescope locked onto a guide star using its Fine Guidance Sensor to keep the telescope pointed to high accuracy. Engineers fired the Fine Guidance Sensor for aliveness and functional tests on January 28 after the telescope's first detection of starlight in the Near-Infrared Camera. The sensor, along with the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph, has been developed by Canada and measures the exact position of a guide star in its field of view 16 times per second and sends adjustments to the telescope’s fine steering mirror about three times per second. The James Webb Space Telescope, a successor to the legendary Hubble Space Telescope, was launched from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana in December on board the powerful Ariane-5 rocket to a destination nearly 15,00,000 kilometres away from its home planet.