Agreement reached on new coalition in Groningen; VVD and GroenLinks join BBB and PvdA
2 weeks, 2 days ago

Agreement reached on new coalition in Groningen; VVD and GroenLinks join BBB and PvdA

NL Times  

Four parties have reached an agreement about a new coalition in the province of Groningen. BBB and VVD previously allowed room for this, but in the coalition agreement “Mit Mekoar,” they agreed with PvdA and GroenLinks to commit themselves to the government to end all gas extraction in Groningen and the Wadden area. The four parties are to continue the work of the previous coalition, with the places of Groninger Belang and ChristenUnie being taken by VVD and GroenLinks. Furthermore, the coalition wants to take the nomination of the Groningen landscape for UNESCO World Heritage status "one step further.” When it comes to the asylum seekers center in Ter Apel, the parties want to continue their pleas to the government to create more reception centers outside of Groningen.

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