With No Ram Lila, Sita will be in Salon, Ravan Selling Garments This Year
News 18With Covid-19 raging through the nation, and Navratra all set to be a muted affair, the star attraction of the season — the Ram Lilas — might not see the light of day in most quarters. It does seem odd because for years, we have spent these months preparing for the shows,” says Sangeeta, who plays the role of Sita in a Ram Lila in Daliganj area in Lucknow. I do feel bad that I am not getting to play my role in the Ram Lila this year — it was a small role but there was a great sense of involvement,” he explains. A virtual enactment of Ram Lila cannot replace the joy of performing in front of a live audience,” says Ashraf who is now managing his garment business along with his sons. We are trying to get some work for them but these are difficult times,” says Rakesh who has employed two of his Ram Lila co-actors in his gym.