Fine dining has embraced the hot dog
SalonOne of my all-time favorite food memories is going to The Hot Grill with my dad and brother. The Hot Grill, a real local stalwart burger-and-dog “joint” with fervent, voracious fans, specializes in deep-fried hot dogs “all the way,” with their traditional, secret recipe chili sauce, chopped onions and yellow mustard. For instance, the most recent "Top Chef" episode featured hot dogs in a starring role — and both hot dog dishes were declared two of the best of the week. So to place hot dogs in a “fine dining” context has an inherent high-brow-low brow dichotomy that many have enjoyed tinkering with in recent years, at both high-end restaurants, mom-and-pop stores, hifalutin hot dog carts and more. One particular example is courtesy of the Mischka, Alex Stupak's Midtown restaurant, which garnered scads of coverage and lots of chatter over its $29 hot dog, complete with headlines like Robert Sietsema's “I Hate That I Loved the $29 Hot Dog,” published in Eater in May of last year.