Trump disregards science as coronavirus response is overtaken by chaos
CNNCNN — Alarming new signs are emerging that the Trump administration is shunting science aside in the battle against coronavirus. In Wednesday’s most stunning development, a top administration official working on a vaccine claimed he was ousted after resisting efforts to push unproven drugs promoted by President Donald Trump and his conservative media cheerleaders as “game changer” treatments. Science, in service to the health and safety of the American people, must always trump politics.” Bizarre scene as Redfield walks back his fall warning Video Ad Feedback CDC director says possible second wave could be worse 02:52 - Source: CNN In another episode in which Trump appeared to challenge established fact, the President claimed Redfield had been “totally misquoted” by the media. Trump then asked Dr. Deborah Birx, a senior member of the coronavirus task force “Dr., wouldn’t you say there’s a good chance that Covid will not come back?” Birx replied: “We don’t know.” Trump insisted “we may have some embers, and we’re going to put them out – of corona.” He refused to explain to reporters why he believed the disease would not come back in the fall. “Just like the thousands of businesses currently operating throughout Georgia, I am confident that business owners who decide to reopen will adhere to Minimum Basic Operations, which prioritize the health and well-being of employees and customers.” Fauci’s emotional plea Video Ad Feedback Fauci: There will be enough tests to begin reopening US 03:56 - Source: CNN Wednesday’s briefing was notable for the reappearance of Fauci for the first time this week.