Trump Administration Sides With Employers Over Workers On Arbitration Agreements
7 years, 9 months ago

Trump Administration Sides With Employers Over Workers On Arbitration Agreements

Huff Post  

Carlos Barria / Reuters WASHINGTON ― The Trump White House will stand with corporations over workers in a looming Supreme Court battle involving arbitration agreements, according to a copy of an amicus brief obtained by HuffPost on Friday. Celine McNicholas, a labor lawyer at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, said what the White House was doing was extremely rare: flipping the government’s official position in an ongoing Supreme Court case. “I do think that the decision to switch sides is a real departure from the standard practice.” She added, “It’s incredibly troubling that an administration that ran on leveling the playing field and giving workers rights is going to literally stand with employers and corporate interests.” Arbitration agreements have become widespread and controversial in recent years, since they require workers to waive their rights to sue as a group. In Murphy Oil, one of those three cases, the Obama administration had been representing the National Labor Relations Board, which had deemed the arbitration agreements illegal.

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