Never Said Borrowers Should Be Personally Heard Before Their Accounts Are Classified As Fraud : Supreme Court
Live LawThe Supreme Court on Friday clarified that its judgment, which mandated that borrowers should be heard by banks before their accounts are classified as fraudulent in terms of the RBI master circulars, did not mean that they should be personally heard.Opportunity of hearing does not mean personal hearing, said the bench comprising Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud and Justice PS Narasimha. The Supreme Court on Friday clarified that its judgment, which mandated that borrowers should be heard by banks before their accounts are classified as fraudulent in terms of the RBI master circulars, did not mean that they should be personally heard. SG however contended that since the Supreme Court upheld the Telangana High Court, other courts may interpret that personal hearing is necessary. The bench proceeded to dispose of the application with the following order : "The apprehension which is expressed by the learned Solicitor General is that since the judgment of the division bench of the High Court of Telangana was upheld in judgement of this court, the judgement of this court may be interpreted in future to mean that the grant of a personal hearing is mandatory, though it has not been so clarified in the conclusions of the judgement of this Court.