Could the coronavirus crisis help tackle income inequality?
Al JazeeraA crisis brings pain but also opportunities to push through reforms to make the economy start working for more people. But profound upheavals like the one we are experiencing now also create unprecedented opportunities to remedy distortions in the eco-economic system – imbalances that have fuelled rising wealth and income inequality. Meanwhile, up on Capitol Hill, US lawmakers passed a $100bn coronavirus aid package last week that extended free testing for COVID-19 to all who need it, and enhanced food assistance, unemployment benefits, and paid sick and emergency leave for many American workers who do not already have it. Unlike bailouts past though, there are signs that this round could come with serious strings attached, like preventing firms that receive aid from letting workers go, or cutting their benefits. But they also expose some serious holes in the social safety net – holes that could imperil the wellbeing of workers and feed income inequality long after the coronavirus pandemic recedes.