Column: Coronavirus will hurt us all. But it will be worst for those who have the least
LA TimesFor many salaried, white-collar employees, the coronavirus crisis will be burdensome, scary, even painful, but financially survivable. — Jim Conway, Olive Garden worker Two weeks ago, Darden Restaurants, the corporate owner of Olive Garden, announced that it would provide full-time workers with up to five paid sick days. Under Darden’s policy of advancing its workers paid sick days based on their last six months of work, he’s entitled to two days. “I think we all know this crisis will extend beyond two weeks,” Conway said Friday at a news conference The rift between the experience of Americans able to work from home and those in the service sector, now out of work, underscores how dramatically the crisis is separating the haves in the U.S. economy from those who don’t have much. America’s low-income workers earn less in comparison to total average earnings than those in any other developed country.