Video Outside Cell During Jeffrey Epstein's First Suicide Attempt 'No Longer Exists'
NPRVideo Outside Cell During Jeffrey Epstein's First Suicide Attempt 'No Longer Exists' Enlarge this image toggle caption New York State Sex Offender Registry via AP New York State Sex Offender Registry via AP Surveillance video taken outside of the Manhattan jail cell of accused child-sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein during his first suicide attempt was permanently deleted, prosecutors said on Thursday. After first reporting that the video had been preserved, prosecutors told the court that further investigation shows "the MCC inadvertently preserved video from the wrong tier within the MCC." When the prison's legal counsel looked up Epstein's cell number in the MCC computer system to ensure the video would be saved, it showed he was in a different cell and floor than where he was actually housed. Union officials representing Federal Bureau of Prisons officers say that beyond Epstein's suicide death, there are systemic problems stemming from chronic understaffing across federal detention facilities.