The family of five flying around the world in a tiny plane
2 years, 1 month ago

The family of five flying around the world in a tiny plane


CNN — Spending over a year flying around the world with your family in a tiny single-engine aircraft is something most people could only imagine. Ian Porter, who has been a private pilot for around four decades, his wife Michelle, daughters Samantha, 21 and Sydney, 18, who also happen to be qualified pilots, and son Christopher, 15, set off from Vancouver on June 15, 2022 and have “been basically traveling every day since.” The family, who are taking a “low and slow” approach to the trip, have already visited around 20 countries, including the United States, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras, and have flown over 25,000 nautical miles. “Here’s the plane – either get on with it or be quiet.” ‘Perfect plane’ The Porters have already flown over 25,000 nautical miles and visited around 20 different countries. “The actual in-the-air flying is only part of it,” adds Ian, who says his daughters have been “phenomenal.” “There’s a lot of work that goes behind that like checking the weather, navigation and radio work, particularly when we’re flying in countries where we don’t speak the native language.” Michelle admits that it can be frustrating being one of the only non-pilots on board “Moose” – Christopher is also keen to get his pilot’s license in the future – but she’s enjoying watching her kids gain more and more confidence in their abilities. “A lot of people think when you’re flying around the world by private single engine aircraft, that you’re on a deluxe trip, staying in five-star accommodation and having your bags carried,” he adds.

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