South Korean air crash investigators examine airport embankment
6 days, 23 hours ago

South Korean air crash investigators examine airport embankment

India Today  

South Korea ramped up investigations on Tuesday into the cause of its deadliest domestic air accident as police scrambled to identify victims, while families of those killed in this week's crash of a Jeju Air 089590.KS jet pushed for more details. Transport Ministry officials said most South Korean airports were built based on International Civil Aviation Organization rules that recommend a 240-m runway-end safety area. Muan International Airport's Operations Manual said the navigation equipment, called "localisers", was installed very near the end of the runway, or just 199m from the crash site. The document, prepared by Korea Airports Corp and uploaded on its website, said the airport authority should "review securing additional distance during phase two of Muan International Airport's expansion". The runway design "absolutely not" meet industry best practices, however, said John Cox, chief executive of Safety Operating Systems and a former 737 pilot, adding that they preclude any hard structure like a berm within at least 300m of the end of the runway.

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