UK continues to struggle with integration[2]-
8 years, 3 months ago

UK continues to struggle with integration[2]-

China Daily  

Another theme of the report is the problems caused by newly-arrived migrants, in particular their lack of English language skills, vital for assimilation into society. Yet nobody disputes the central role learning the national language plays in helping new migrants integrate, but sadly nobody is willing to pay for it. There is no real agreement on what British values actually are, and few individuals in public life who can articulate them, beyond vague notions about tolerance and the rule of law. In particular, the government needs to ensure it takes the difficult steps to ensure the country’s Muslim community is better integrated into mainstream society, to avoid the more serious social divisions seen in France and Belgium. Without promoting a common language, it will be very hard to even begin to think about promoting any kind of shared British values to unite the country for future generations.

History of this topic

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