"What was gained from this?": Trump's CNN town hall was a failure
SalonDonald Trump remains a juggernaut. Of course, CNN's decision to neuter criticism of Trump and his movement – and to host the traitor president's fake town hall is motivated by ratings, money and profits.. As the truism goes, "If it bleeds it leads." Related The news media is blowing Trump coverage again In an attempt to make better sense of what the Trump CNN town hall spectacle really means, what it reflects about the American news media, and where we are in the Trumpocene and the larger democracy crisis as the 2024 presidential season is gaining focus, I asked a range of experts for their insights and predictions. The Trump CNN Town Hall exemplified everything wrong and broken about our incestuous corporate media institutions that value ratings, money, and access to power above all else, including the truth, accountability, and democracy. Until the last minute, my general expectations of the CNN Trump town hall were that CNN might cancel it, especially after Trump had been found liable for sexual abuse and defamation just the previous day.