NASA seeks ideas for a nuclear reactor on moon
India TV NewsIf anyone has a good idea on how to put a nuclear fission power plant on the moon, the US government wants to hear about it. NASA and the nation's top federal nuclear research lab on Friday put out a request for proposals for a fission surface power system. NASA says fission surface power could provide sustained, abundant power no matter the environmental conditions on the moon or Mars. “I expect fission surface power systems to greatly benefit our plans for power architectures for the moon and Mars and even drive innovation for uses here on Earth,” Jim Reuter, associate administrator for NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, said in a statement. Submitted plans for the fission surface power system should include a uranium-fueled reactor core, a system to convert the nuclear power into usable energy, a thermal management system to keep the reactor cool, and a distribution system providing no less than 40 kilowatts of continuous electric power for 10 years in the lunar environment.