Dialects and the city
China DailyActor Xu Zheng and actress Ma Yili play the roles of an idle artist and his romantic interest, an advertising industry veteran, in B for Busy, a new film set in Shanghai. The movie, a Shanghai-set tale with a strong cast, mainly consisting of local stars that speak their lines in the city's dialect, has soared at the box office as we near the end of the Year of the Ox, making it one of the industry's dark horses with ticket sales currently sitting around 250 million yuan -quite a good performance for a film of such a modest scale. Earning 8.3 points out of 10 on the popular review aggregator Douban, the highest score of all domestic live-action movies on the site last year, many people online say it's a feel-good movie, with its catchy dialogue, delicate examination of middle age and the glittering light it casts on Shanghai's distinctive reputation as a cosmopolitan metropolis being the production's big draws. In 2020, Shao sent the script to a project selecting potential works for the 14th FIRST International Film Festival, one of the country's most influential events to help young talent pursue their movie dreams.
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Dialects and the city
China Daily
Dialects and the city
China Daily
Dialects and the city
China Daily
Dialects and the city
China Daily
Dialects and the city
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