Dogs follow human cues even without training; could this be the key to solving India's rabies problem?
5 years, 2 months ago

Dogs follow human cues even without training; could this be the key to solving India's rabies problem?


You may be proud when your dog can fetch, roll-over, play dead, sit, bolt, stay, bark and stop eating on command. They designed an experiment to study if stray dogs with no prior behavioural training responded to directional clues such as pointing: it turned out that 80% of the dogs who approached the experimenters chose correctly when pointed in the direction of hidden food. The researchers said that studying the behaviour of stray dogs may assist rabies interventions and offer more humane alternatives. The study With 160 stray dogs chosen randomly, in the first stage of the experiment, the researchers “familiarized” the dogs to plastic bowls with food in them. While further research needs to be done, this study is suggestive of the capability of street dogs to innately follow human cues.

History of this topic

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