Vanna White hosts ‘Wheel of Fortune,’ upending a long history of dudes in suits
LA TimesVanna White, who for 37 years turned clue letters — or pressed buttons that made them electronically appear — on the game show “Wheel of Fortune,” ran the program for the first time Monday night. It was probably not for insurance that White’s starting week was also the start of a huge Disney promotion, on a set crammed with Christmas and corporate references, but the extra glitter didn’t hurt, nor did the distracting presence of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy — which is to say, people in those Disneyland character suits, a job that, like White’s regular gig, does not involve talking, or involves not talking. White was not the understudy — indeed, she was surprised the producers asked — but, like the Busby Berkeley chorine who knows the star’s part cold from hearing it every night, White’s thousands of hours on the job made her the person in the universe most qualified to do this. You did it!” And “Oh my goodness!” It’s not exactly sad that this job is temporary for White — Sajak is a crucial part of this equation as well — but even a casual viewer, looking ahead three weeks, might feel a little advance regret at it ending.