The silent struggles of workers with ADHD
BBCThe silent struggles of workers with ADHD Getty Images Unlike their neurotypical counterparts, workers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder often find themselves left behind. Some people, says Winter, only tend to do what they’re interested in – “what lights up our brains” – which causes them to de-prioritise other urgent tasks. “It’s almost like minimising your own identity to conform with social norms … It’s uncomfortable, and it’s exhausting, and if you do it enough, you can lose track of who is behind the mask.” Getty Images Some workers with ADHD choose to keep their diagnoses and struggles secret for fear of judgement, which means they can't get the accommodations they need For workers who do come forward about their diagnoses, however, the conversation can be risky. People would observe me and think ‘oh, she’s not really cut out for this industry’ – Kim To Even for high performers, some bosses may question the need to provide accommodations, says Winter: “If don't see where the challenges are, why would they do anything to address them?” But, in many cases, she says a worker’s strong performance may come from masking to ultimately detrimental effects. And giving people choice means better outcomes.” In the meantime, however, workers with ADHD may be on the back foot, especially if they’re not in an environment with supportive management.
History of this topic

ADHD should not be treated as a disorder
Live Mint
If So Many People Have ADHD, Is It Really A Disorder?
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‘Do I have ADHD?’: The number of people asking is skyrocketing
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Rise in diagnoses is prompting more US adults to ask: ‘Do I have ADHD?’
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Researchers are questioning if ADHD should be seen as a disorder
Live Mint
8 myths about ADHD and how to handle it
Live Mint
ADHD: Why women bear the brunt of misdiagnosis
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How both employers and workers can succeed with ADHD in the workplace
How to know if you have ADHD
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How A Teacher’s Observation Led To My Child’s ADHD Diagnosis
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Unravelling the complexity of ADHD
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Why do so many adults struggle to get their ADHD diagnosed?
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ADHD assessment UK: What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and can it be treated
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I'm a psychologist - these ADHD symptoms might NOT mean what you think
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The ADHD diagnosis wave: cashing in on a crisis (Part 2)
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My ADHD diagnosis has allowed me to re-write my life story
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Executives with ADHD: Driven to distraction … and eventually success
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