Hong Kong’s protesters should be wary of provoking Chinese oppression
The IndependentRecent protests in Hong Kong have tended to run a familiar course. Its opponents, who include many lawyers, insist that, however tightly the new law is drawn – to apply only to those who have committed crimes in mainland China – its effect will be to extend Beijing’s jurisdiction to Hong Kong. On the other hand, as its supporters would argue, a formal extradition provision could allow those who have sought refuge in Hong Kong resort to due process for the first time. Beijing might At a time when China’s leader, Xi Jingping, apparently feels the need to crack down on dissent at home and stamp out potential resistance in the Uighur-populated region of Xinjiang, it seems doubtful that he would treat serious unrest in Hong Kong with much indulgence. Those protesting against the extradition bill may indeed be proved right – if not at once, then over time – that “Hong Kong will just become another Chinese city if this bill is passed”.