BJP member moves private member bill on Uniform Civil Code in Rajya Sabha, draws stiff resistance from Opposition
The HinduThe introduction of a private member bill by a BJP member on implementation of Uniform Civil Code across the country witnessed vociferous protest from the Opposition members in Rajya Sabha on December 9, 2022. The Opposition members requested the BJP member Kirodi Lal Meena to withdraw the Bill and also asked Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar to not accept the legislation as it will destroy the secular fabric of the country. “Law minister should be aware of this, if he takes some time away from attacking the Supreme Court, it is against spirit of the constitution.this is supposed to be an uncivil code, we should not use a piece of legislation for polarisation in society and it is detrimental for the country, please withdraw the bill immediately,” he urged the BJP member and the Chair. Sandosh Kumar P said, “this will endanger the secular credentials of country, they have divided villages on the lines of India Pakistan, ….this is detrimental to national interest.” Tiruchi Siva said the same bill was listed many times earlier but was not introduced on being requested by members.