Kerala, Tamil Nadu united to ensure that India belongs to everyone, says Kanimozhi
2 months ago

Kerala, Tamil Nadu united to ensure that India belongs to everyone, says Kanimozhi

The Hindu  

Kanimozhi, MP, on Friday said that Kerala and Tamil Nadu were standing together to ensure an inclusive country and protect every citizen’s right to live and believe as they chose. “We stand together to keep the country united and ensure it belongs to everybody,” she said in her inaugural address at the event held at the Ernakulam Town Hall to felicitate Sr. Vinitha, director of St. Teresa’s College, for her contributions to higher education, social welfare, and culture. “It is a struggle for women to receive education in the country even today,” Ms. Kanimozhi said. Maybe not in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, but the disparity between men and women attending colleges for higher education is alarming,” she said.

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