Coronavirus Tag? The Pandemic Has Become Part Of Kids' Playtime
Huff Postdamircudic via Getty Images Big, scary events in the adult world tend to show up in children's play. “During this heightened panic around the coronavirus, it is completely normal and expected that kids, especially young children, will incorporate themes of the virus into their play,” said Natasha Daniels, a child therapist and creator of Children often ‘play things out’ to work through their feelings.” Playtime is a common outlet for kids working through fears and processing difficult emotions and situations. “As disturbing as it may sound, I have seen kids act out and incorporate themes around school shootings in their play,” said Daniels, noting that it’s a healthy and productive way to deal with a tough topic, especially for kids who don’t have the language skills to adequately verbalize what they’re feeling. “But you need to be careful about minimizing the serious message about needing to be careful.” Ultimately, parents play a big role in shaping their children’s response to COVID-19.