How the Maratha Deccan became the ulcer of Aurangzeb's empire
India Today"I came alone and I'm going alone. Despite expanding the Mughal empire to its greatest territorial extent, Aurangzeb's relentless wars drained its resources and left it vulnerable. Historian EW Osborne called the Deccan an "ulcer" for the Mughal Empire because it was a long, festering conflict that drained resources without yielding lasting success. AURANGZEB'S DECCAN CAMPAIGN: RULING FROM BATTLEFIELD Leaving behind Delhi’s majestic splendour, he marched south in the early 1680s, convinced that only his presence could subdue the region. HOW CONQUESTS EXPOSED MUGHAL EMPIRE TO MARATHAS Rather than securing Mughal supremacy, the conquest of Bijapur and Golconda deepened the ulcer that was the Deccan exposing the empire to an enemy it could not overpower.
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