GOP House leader asks Parson to pardon Kansas City inmate
3 years, 7 months ago

GOP House leader asks Parson to pardon Kansas City inmate

Associated Press  

— A Republican House member said Friday he and other state lawmakers will ask Missouri Gov. Rep. Andrew McDaniel of Deering, chairman of the House Corrections and Public Institutions Committee, said three other Republican and five Democratic legislators plan to join him in signing a letter asking for a pardon for Strickland, The Kansas City Star reported. “I’m pretty strong on keeping people locked up that did crimes but if there’s somebody that’s in there that’s innocent, just let him out.” Strickland has maintained his innocence since he was arrested and convicted in a 1978 triple murder in Kansas City. Federal prosecutors in the Western District of Missouri, Jackson County’s presiding judge, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas and members of the team that convicted Strickland four decades ago also have said he deserves to be exonerated. Strickland’s name was not on a list of 36 pardons Parson issued this week and the Missouri Supreme Court this week declined to hear his petition for freedom.

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