Despite inflation, some everyday products actually dropped in price this year
CNNCNN — From a purely economic standpoint, 2024 wasn’t too shabby a year for inflation.. Gasoline 2024 price change : Down 7.6% Gas prices may be highly volatile and highly integral to aspects of life and business, but they’re also highly visible reminders of how prices are trending. “Even during the pandemic, when inflation was rampant across the economy, most consumer tech products’ prices remained below core inflation,” Kowalski said. Everything else held equal, goods prices should remain pretty flat heading into 2025; however,, that could change if tariffs were to be imposed on some of the US’ biggest trading partners, he said. And so that would lead to higher goods inflation, and higher overall inflation.” Food 2024 price declines : Frozen baked goods, down 3.3%; crackers, down 2.4%; canned vegetables, down 2.2% Although your morning omelet would like to disagree, food prices have been fairly tame in 2024, and some categories have even seen price declines.