Benefit Of Infirmities In Investigation Is To Be Given To Accused: SC [Read Judgment]
7 years, 4 months ago

Benefit Of Infirmities In Investigation Is To Be Given To Accused: SC [Read Judgment]

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Benefit of infirmities in the investigation by the prosecution is to be given to the accused, the Supreme Court said, in State of Uttarakhand vs Jairnail Singh, while upholding a high court verdict reversing conviction awarded by the trial court.Jairnail Singh was convicted by the trial court under Section 307 IPC and Section 25 of the Arms Act. Benefit of infirmities in the investigation by the prosecution is to be given to the accused, the Supreme Court said, in State of Uttarakhand vs Jairnail Singh, while upholding a high court verdict reversing conviction awarded by the trial court. Noticing several infirmities in the prosecution case, the high court acquitted the accused. The prosecution, in our view, should have taken care of some of the infirmities noticed by the High Court and appropriate steps should have been taken before filing of the charge-sheet to overcome them.

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