双语新闻播报(July 11)
China Daily> Anger does a lot more damage to your body than you realize 愤怒对身体的伤害远超你想象 Anger is bad for your health in more ways than you think. 最近的一项研究调查了愤怒对心脏的影响。 It found that anger can raise the risk of heart attacks because it impairs the functioning of blood vessels, according to a May study in the Journal of the American Heart Association. 结果显示,愤怒组的血液流动比其他两组更差,他们的血管扩张力更差。 "We speculate over time if you’re getting these chronic insults to your arteries because you get angry a lot, that will leave you at risk for having heart disease,” says Dr. Daichi Shimbo, a professor of medicine at Columbia University and lead author of the study. 慢性炎症会增加患许多疾病的风险。 The body’s sympathetic nervous system—or “fight or flight” system—is also activated, which shunts blood away from the gut to major muscles, says Stephen Lupe, director of behavioral medicine at the Cleveland Clinic’s department of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition. 塔姆博士说,愤怒会促使身体向血液中释放压力荷尔蒙。 High levels of stress hormones can damage nerve cells in the brain’s prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus, says Tam.
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双语新闻播报(July 11)
China Daily
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