Anil Kapoor shares his wedding story to mark anniversary with wife Sunita Kapoor
New Indian ExpressHow 19th May became the best day of our lives! I proposed to my girlfriend Sunita and asked her to be my wife. our wedding had been delayed a lot because I wanted to be sure that I could take care of her in the way she deserved and give her everything she could ever dream the very least, I needed to be able to afford to buy a house and hire a cook!! I just wanted to be worthy of her. We got married on 19th May, against all odds.I still remember when I entered her house on our wedding day and saw my bride, she was smiling and I had tears in my eyes. Our wedding was planned and executed within a day, and yes we may not have had a big wedding or even a honeymoon, which she still teases me about, but it was still the best thing that ever happened to was now or never for us and I’m so glad we took the leap that day and started our lives together.