The Best Kind Of Tomato For Every Use, From BLTs To Caprese Salad
1 year, 4 months ago

The Best Kind Of Tomato For Every Use, From BLTs To Caprese Salad

Huff Post  

For much of the United States, tomato season is a brief and intense time when farmers, gardeners, professional chefs and home cooks strive to make the most of these flavorful, widely beloved, but sometimes challenging fruits. Pierce also recommended mixing the Early Girls in with some cherry tomatoes when plating your Caprese salad, as the different sizes, textures and flavor notes result in a “captivating Caprese salad brimming with diverse flavor profiles and textures.” BlakeDavidTaylor via Getty Images For A BLT, you might want to go with the largest tomato option. Horasio Salgado, executive chef of Ceviche in St. Petersburg, Florida, always reaches for Romas when making his version of Spanish gazpacho, explaining that “they are meaty and have the fewest seeds, and their texture will make the gazpacho very smooth and silky while resulting in a very rich flavor.” Claudia Totir via Getty Images Roma tomatoes are also a good pick for pico de gallo. Roma Tomatoes Yet another dish in which the Roma tomato thrives, no-cook tomato sauce calls for “a sturdy fruit that will hold up to the heat of the pasta and the strong garlic flavor,” Summa said. They’re more delicate, but they offer great flavor.” Roma Tomatoes A final vote of confidence for Roma tomatoes comes from Romo, who said, “Roma tomatoes are great for baked tomato tarts, as they can hold up in the baking process and they’re sweet.” Heirloom Tomatoes

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