Pollachi sexual assault case: NCW asks Tamil Nadu DGP to take appropriate action against accused
FirstpostReacting to the news reports, NCW chief Rekha Sharma has issued a notice to DGP, Tamil Nadu, T K Rajendran to take appropriate action against the accused.“The commission is seriously concerned about the safety and security of the women in the state of Tamil Nadu,” Sharma said in a letter. New Delhi: The National Commission for Women on Wednesday asked the Tamil Nadu Director General of Police to initiate action against the men accused in the alleged sexual harassment of a woman in Coimbatore district. A 19-year-old woman had alleged that unidentified men in Pollachi town of the district recently took her in a car and attempted to disrobe her and videographed it. “Considering the gravity of the matter, it is requested that appropriate action be taken as per the relevant provisions of law against all the accused and a detailed action taken report in the matter be sent to the commission,” she added.