Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Birth Anniversary: Dr Ambedkar, Not Jawaharlal Nehru, Gave the Preamble to Constitution of India
The QuintIt was not just the procedure of adoption that singled out the author. The closing line: ‘Fraternity assuring the dignity of every individual without distinction of caste...’ had Dr Ambedkar’s fingerprints all over it. Notably, from the ‘declaration’ we have freedom of thought, belief, vocation, association and action; supplemented by the freedoms introduced by the ‘Objectives Resolution’, and expression, faith, and worship. From the ‘proposed preamble’ of States and Minorities, we see how the impulse arose for Dr Ambedkar to add to the Nehruvian phrase ‘to secure to’, the more active supplement of ‘or promote among’. If you recall, where Nehru’s Objectives Resolution spoke of securing justice, Dr Ambedkar reshaped the role of the state into a more active one—to remove social, political and economic inequalities, which it would do by promoting affirmative action policies and hence, Dr Ambedkar’s introduction of the word ‘caste’.