Woman had THREE cancerous tumours after being told lump in breast was 'fatty tissue'
Daily MailA woman has revealed her horror at discovering she had three tumours, after first being told by medics that the lump in her breast was just 'fatty tissue'. Debbie Boland, 52, from Manchester, discovered she had three tumours after first being told by medics that the lump in her breast was just 'fatty tissue' Debbie first thought her aching breasts were a sign of the menopause in March 2018, but after pressing them to relieve the pain, she felt a pea-sized swelling Thankfully after gruelling chemotherapy, a mastectomy and lymph node clearance, Debbie was given the all clear of cancer - but said she lost her dignity and identity during the process. Despite first being told it was probably 'fatty tissue', the grandmother-of-one was eventually told she had three tumours in her breast - one being almost five inches in size - which had also spread to her lymph glands Self-employed Debbie was told by medics that ten per cent of aggressive cancers don’t show up on a mammogram and that the best practice for GP's is to send anyone with a lump to a breast cancer screening clinic. Debbie is now calling for better detection awareness, and is one of the 100 women staffing Prevent Breast Cancer’s bright pink BooBee Bus this month Debbie is now passionate about educating others in the detection of cancer 'I have never experienced anything like it and never want to again. Debbie will be travelling along in the BooBee Bus for Breast Cancer Awareness month, visiting workplaces and key landmarks across her region to speak about her journey Debbie is now passionate about educating others in the detection of cancer and raising awareness 'to find better ways of preventing and treating this horrendous disease for future generations' 'If by talking to people and raising awareness I can empower women and men to help themselves and enable the detection of cancer earlier, I will feel that I have accomplished something,' she confessed.